WOWEBONY AND ME  @tiarabliss365

Tiarabliss365 x WoWEbony X Bangs04

"I love this unit. I needed a low maintenance wig for a beginner, so I knew I wanted a cute wig with Bangs. This unit has been pretty low maintenance. I love that I can just throw it on and go. I'm a busy woman so this is great for me.

I've had it for two months and it still looks great! Over the two months there was only a tiny amount shedding. I use a small amount of water, mouse, and oil for maintenance. If you're looking for a low maintenance curly look, this until is perfect!"———————————————————— @tiarabliss365

Tiarabliss365 x WoWEbony X Bangs04 (8)

Tiarabliss365 x WoWEbony X Bangs04